Monday, October 16, 2006


the electrosperm

thanks to edo clown-o, netic for the photo, and grast. respect!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

the evolution..

the electrosperm evolution
they all start with this..
without caps..

Sunday, July 16, 2006

introducing "the electrosperm"

the electrosperm


the noxious zod riot!!

*semua gambar tanpa caps

Friday, June 02, 2006

1st time on Cardboard

Kamen Jihader On Cardboard..
sorry kalo jelek.. pertama kali nyoba pake acrylic nih.. hehehe.. susah juga..
terima kasih..

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

sambuzhone + nato9 + older + RhaO.N.E


Older+ & RhaO.N.E

The Whole Wall

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Session At Cinere, Last Night 13/05/06

This Is Mine.. tapi karena ada suatu halangan.. piecenya baru setengah jadi.. dan buatnya buru2.. just kurang lebih 15mnt-20mntan.. tp tak apalah.. =D

this is the whole wall..

click the picture to see the whole wall
From Left To Right:

This Is The Bonus.. hehe

Cabione Kenobi.. hehehe.. pantat mabuk..

Older Plus..

My Own Tag.. not important..

The Famous G!! King Graver yo..

Bebeks Beks..

Hey Break.. Will You Come Back To The Street?? hehehe.. come back lah!!
Thanks To : Break13, Cabi1, Older+, Graver, Beks, Deez, Rangga? and Friends.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

After 4/4 party

Deplu Tunnel wif SAMers

Pondok Indah near Buzz Cafe


"MOT" by Cimot

thanks to : NATO, Cimot, Dhio

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Muntah Muntahan..

Muntah Di Kopaja

tak ada akar, rotan pun jadi
tak ada kereta, kopaja? JADI!!!
thanks to Julian for the Photos

Muntah di Cinere with Upay and Nato




Whole Wall

The After Party

Saturday, April 15, 2006

WibiWiniCitra's Bday Party

pengennya sih temanya SmallVille...


nyemprot sambil dansa resah

with D_O and Jekpay

"sinjing gerimis"

Thanks To Wibi Citra & Wini yang sudah memberikan saya kesempatan menggambar dan membelikan amunisinya.. ^^

hello, my name is

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

New New New..

Praktek taggingan baru, feat BATAKEAST

First Time On Canvas, Bad Bad Bad.. ga ada alat cuma punya spidol, kanvasnya nyolong lagi.. ck ck ck ga modal bgt..

My Kamen Rider Toys

Introducing My Ramen Kaider

Kamen Jihader

"senggol Bacok!"
Bener2 buatan sendiri nih.. sorry kalo hasilnya acakadul.. namanya juga iseng.. ehhehe


baru belajar gambar di sepatu.. maaf hasilnya bikin mata anda merah ^^

New Sketch For My New Piece

belajar menggambar piece dengan warna warni.. hasilnya.. buruk T-T

abis itu belajar Digital Manipulation.. /sob buruk...